If your lawyer doesn't know your story, nobody will.

The team at Maknoon & Eshenbaugh recognizes that preparing a winning case begins with building a relationship with the client and learning your side of the story.


Courage to go the distance.

When faced with charges, you NEED a criminal attorney with experience and a proven record of success. You NEED a legal team that will go the extra mile to protect your rights. You want Maknoon & Eshenbaugh, LLC.

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"Maknoon will fight like a dog for you… put him in front of a jury and he dominates.”

-Criminal Defense Client


Built to fight for your freedom.

When facing criminal accusations or navigating the complexities of personal injury claims, having a team that's battle-tested in the courtroom is crucial. Your future and well-being hinge on skilled, knowledgeable, and passionate legal representation. Make the right choice by entrusting Maknoon & Eshenbaugh, LLC, known for its courtroom experience, to vigorously defend your rights in criminal matters and pursue justice in personal injury cases.

Trial-tested attorneys to defend your rights.

Maknoon & Eshenbaugh, LLC is a federal and state criminal defense and personal injury firm. Since 2003, our firm has built its reputation on our deep knowledge of the law, extensive trial experience, and strong relationships with our clients. We handle a wide range of cases, including high-profile prosecutions and personal injury claims, at both the federal and state levels.

Since 2003, our firm has built an exceptional reputation for being a dominating presence in the courtroom. We regularly represent individuals in high-profile prosecutions at both the state and federal levels.

Tell us your story.

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